Monday, August 25, 2008

Toddler Talk

The 2 y/o's are starting to talk more and more everyday. Often instructing the baby as to what she is and is not allowed to do. Most often I hear "No, no baby, that's mine".

On Saturday night we had a little break and only had the toddler twins and the baby home. So we had our friends come over with their daughter. A is 2 1/2 and has leukemia, she does not get much time wiht other kids her age, so when ever we can, L&S bring her over for a visit. We had so much fun with the jumper in the yard full of balls and the new swing set [God bless my church family for getting it for us]. We had pizza and ran around. They had so much fun.

The highlight of the visit was that H got to wrestle with S. Mind you S is about the girliest girl I know, sun dress and all. H had her on the ground rolling in the grass, they both laughed, S creid a little, but all in all it was fun. So today H & P were wrestling with me. H hurt me minorly and i said ouch. He stands up turns around and says "oh no S boo boo", looks outside for her and says "oh no bye bye". I think H has a little crush on S, L is going to have to fight for her. When i asked him if he loved her he said "oh S oh love" and blew kisses.

P on the other hand uses his words for demands. " I eat now", "more milk please", "baby boo boo me", and the ever famous "no night night, no night night". For the longest time P was a fighter, and around 18 months [when R was born] they switched roles, P became the most lovable lover. I fear he is back ot being a fighter, or at least a demanding lover! I am never going to get my sons married off, they all want to be loved too much!

On a side note I made the most fantastic roasted garlic hummus today!!! As for recipie i will have to figure it out, i just tossed stuff together.

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