Thursday, August 21, 2008


So many of you have asked me...

As a mom of 9 how do you manage it all or what kind of schedule do you have?

Well schedule is 75% of how I do it! {5 % is help, 10% insanity, and 10% God}

Our week days are pretty average at the moment. M S Mo & E are in camp every week day until 3 days before school starts. C & D are pretty much couch bound. H & P are you normal old crazy insane 2 y/o boys. Then there is R, she is my God sent, generally the most easy going baby EVER! Mommy is working full time at the moment, 7:30-3 at the office, and then teaching a class every night.

5:15am I wake and drive to Starbucks {aka HEAVEN}

5:30am Mama kicks Mommy out of bed and into the shower/ R gets up to nurse

5:45am mix and pour in more formula into C&D's feeding pumps

6:00am Wake M S Mo & E to get ready for camp

6:15am Scrambled eggs, toast, canadian bacon, and apple juice for kids

6:30am H & P wake, climb in their seats, and sit and eat [they usually finish first]

6:45am Make sure Mommy is out of the shower and almost downstairs/ toddlers on potty

7:00am Bus pulls up out front / shove Mommy [w/ eggs and C bacon on toast out the door]

7:15am Put laundry in /clean up kitchen

7:30am Nurse R

7:45am Toddlers on potty

8:00am Get toddlers outside to play

8:15am Round 2 of laundry

8:30am Wake C & D

8:45am C & D eating / toddlers on potty

9:00am R down for am nap

9:15am Round 3 of laundry

9:30am Playing with kids

9:45am Toddlers on potty

10:00am Playing / Go for a walk

10:45am toddlers on potty/ make lunch

11:00am Toddlers and R eat lunch/ nurse R

11:45am Toddlers on the potty

12:00am Outside play

12:45am Toddlers on potty / R nurse / C & D sit to eat

1:00pm H & P & R go down for nap / C & D put in a movie [they fall asleep]

1:00pm-2:00pm Mama has self time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2:00pm Unload/ load dishwasher

2:15pm Hand wash dirty pots & pans

2:30pm Start folding laundry

3:00pm R up to nurse

3:15pm R back to sleep / finish folding or hanging clothes

3:30pm Big kids come home and shower

4:00pm Prep dinner

4:30pm Toddlers & R up / toddlers on potty

4:45pm R nurse / everyone else outside

5:00pm Make dinner

5:30pm R eats / toddlers on potty

6:00pm Mommy gets home / dinner

6:45pm C D H P & R bath [honestly often all of them bathe together]
[due to C & D's Mic Key's I need to bathe them, and this is my one super lazy thing I do]

7:00pm Everyone in PJ's / R nurses / family TV time

7:30pm R down for the night

8:00pm Toddler potty / big kids in bed reading

8:30pm All in bed lights out [except M] / Mama and M time

9:00pm M in bed

9:30pm Pack lunches for tomorrow / set out clothes
[our kids clothes are not stored in thier rooms]

10:00pm Mama and Mommy get in bed to watch tv [i might see 5 mins]

1:30am Randomly R will wake to eat [this is a 1-2 night a week thing now, not every night!]

Some days it changes a little, but that is a perfect day. As doe school year it is not much different, just C & D are not home, and evening outdoor play turns into homework time. Also Laundry is not every day, i have double washer and dryer, so in 3 rounds i get done 6 loads, which is about 4-5 days worth of laundry. There are little things not listed here either like med times, and the fact that i fill the toddlers sippy cups 15 + times a day [i will allow this as long as it all makes it into the potty].

Starting in the fall i will have a little more time as we will have some help. Her name is Kyla, she is 22 years old, and going to school in the evening for education. She will be doing laundry, general kid room cleaning, and organization. She will also get to play and have fun, and be an extra set of hands at Little Gym. If all goes well and I trust her alone with the kids, I will probibly sign the baby up for Little Gym so her and I can go alone.

Dishwasher calling.... bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey you need to add a 8pm-12am get drunk with Thom in there!!

I miss you mad crazy, kiss the rug rats for me, and during that hour call me!