Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Note on C & D

I have received many messages about the status of C & D. Well all around they are not doing too bad. They could be doing better, but hey this is C & D we are talking about.

Seeing as it is 10:12 at night I am going to write this and pre apologize if it is a ramble.

Con is doing better that D. David has been running a low grade fever pretty much since June. This is a huge cause for concern of infections and with a house of so many kids this is tough. C & D's room is off limits to all kids, the one powder room is C&D only, and the family room is C&D only. The biggest breaker of this rule is the tiny little 13lb baby girl who for some reason is totally in love with Con, and will do any thing to crawl or couch cruise into there. They are both on 24 hour feeding pumps, and are supposed to eat as much as they want, and anything they want. The goal at this point is to fatten them up. However, when you are a 23lb 5 y/o you have plenty to go to fat. They actually are to the point of skinny-ness where they are having trouble maintaining / regulating body heat. Pretty much at this point we need to make sure they have at least 3000 cals a day. They are also on a super reduced activity "diet". Pretty much they are instructed to sit around and eat as much as possible [the total opposite as mama]. They have watch so many videos, and played video games. I even pulled out a VHS player, and started having them watch movies i liked when i was younger. [as a side note: my kids are totally not used to tv time I actually think they are starting to hate tv]

As it looks now they will start school as normal on the 3rd with everyone else, however they will each have a one on one nurse, extra snacks, a feed pump, a lack of being able to play, meds out the wahzoo, a wardrobe of clothes in case they are hot or cold, and a ton of extra prayers. Could Conor and David start Kindergarten any other way?!?!

For now we are hoping and praying that things will turn around. We have the NICU Grad BBQ on Saturday evening, and with 7 NICU Grads in this house, this is like a family reunion for us! We are really hoping that they will be level enough, and feel up to going. Honestly I would rather go for 30 mins and they say they don't feel good and want to go home then to not get to go at all.


On a good note R is 8 months old today.... she is full out crawling, can make it all the way up the steps with mama right behind her, is couch cruising everything, and can let go and stand there a few seconds! I fear she will be walking very soon, and then there goes any chance of me using the potty alone!

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